So I've finally gotten back to the garden, thank goodness. It's been too long. I've missed playing in the dirt! In the last update I made some promises and I can honestly say, I completed them. Go me!
I had told you I was going to build a hoop house. I lied. Sorry.
Over the winter, they replaced Goomba's storm windows with new ones (the old ones were dangling off the side of the house). So guess what I did with her old ones? YUPPERS! BUILT A COLD FRAME! Here are the pictures. I won't bore you with the whole process, unless you ask me to. And, I know, I need to cover that hole in the middle, but it’s hard to find the right moment to use power tools when you’ve always got a baby around. 🤷♀️ I did tell you guys that I would get you this recipe. I have a confession, There wasn't really a recipe. I tend not to use them, or rather use them as guidelines. I do the same with my crochet patterns too. I'm so awful! lol. BUT, I will give you what I got. Some of these items can be substituted, like the PB Fit with real peanut butter, but it does mean you'll have slightly different results.
Hey family and friends! Happy St. Patrick's Day again. We are at an interesting moment in history huh? State of emergency being declared by POTUS, schools closing, indefinitely, people going crazy over toilet paper. They've even started closing bars and restaurants. Never did I ever expect something like this in my lifetime. I thought my biggest moment of "where were you when...." was gonna be 9/11. In light of all of this craziness, I'd like to keep you guys updated on what's going on where we are. Not the gloom and doom of the media, mind you. Just the everyday things we are doing to keep busy and stay ahead of the potential chaos. Feel free to chime in and share what you're up to, or even how you're feeling. Let's stick together and support one another. I truly believe that's how we as a country are going to get thru this and come out stronger.
the clan:Kita , Caveman, Goomba, Gummy Bear and Peanut are native New Englanders, who are working to live more self sufficient and sustainable lifestyle. Archives
June 2020